List of Pure Health Insurance and Its Benefits

List of Pure Health Insurance and its Benefits- Pure Health Insurance, Benefits, and Examples – With the development of knowledge, companies always provide innovations in their products, including insurance companies. Each company always offers the best products with various facilities and conveniences.

One of the innovations of insurance companies is the product with a unit link program. Where the customer or policyholder will feel two benefits at once.

These benefits are insurance and investment. So that when you claim you will get claim benefits and investment funds. Well, then what is called pure health insurance?

Pure Health Insurance

Pure health insurance is one type of health insurance that does not have an investment program in the policy. So, the product is really purely for health insurance only. Customers will only get insurance claims without getting investment funds.

Although unit link health insurance looks tempting, there are some customers who prefer pure insurance products. Well, if you are included here is a list of some of the best pure insurance that you can try.

Pure Health Insurance List

Allianz . Pure Health Insurance

Allianz offers a variety of health insurance products including pure health insurance. Its products include SmartHealth Maxi Violet, Smartmed Premier and Allisya Care. Specifically for Allisya Care products, Allianz uses a sharia basis.

Manulife Ultimate HealthCare

The next pure health insurance is Manulife Ultimate HealthCare. This product offers payment of benefits as charged or on a bill. If you suffer from a critical illness, the insurance will provide an additional limit.

Pure Health Insurance Benefits

Pure health insurance has several advantages that you can feel. Are as follows:

Bigger Insurance Claim

The first advantage of using pure health insurance is larger insurance claims. Because the focus of the product is only for health insurance. Not focusing on investment funds. Thus, customers will get greater health insurance benefits.

Cheaper Premium

Do you know? The unit-linked insurance product premiums are more expensive than the health insurance alone. This is because some of the premium funds will be invested in investment funds managed by the investment department.

Simply put, you will pay an investment fee so that you can experience and invest. In contrast to pure health insurance which only pays the cost of health insurance only.

Meet Your Needs

If you are a person who needs health insurance that does not have additional benefits such as investment funds.

Then pure health insurance is the best option for you. Although for some people insurance that provides two benefits is better. However, if you need health insurance only. Pure health insurance is more suitable for you.

No Risk on Investment

As we know, investment has a fluctuating value. So it is not always in a favorable position. That is, there is a risk of loss from investment activity. By buying pure health insurance, you have no risk of investment losses.


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